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Monday – Saturday 8:00am to
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Acid Water Neutralizers

Maryland Acid Neutralizer Installation Services

By selecting the right size and type of Acid Neutralizer, you can protect household plumbing systems from the damaging effects of acidic well water. To provide an effective solution, there are several factors to consider particularly when the pH falls below 6.5

  1. Treatment Threshold: We recommend Acid Water Neutralizers for well water with a pH below 6.5, as this is where the water becomes aggressive enough to warrant treatment. By identifying this threshold, customers understand when intervention is necessary to prevent damage to their copper plumbing systems and home appliances.

  2. Assessment of Damage: Signs of damage from acidic well water are blue-green stains on sinks, toilets , shower stalls, and bathtubs. Copper pipe pinhole leaks, and water heater failures are a certain sign of acid water corrosion. Sometimes the water will have a metallic taste or smell. It is very important to have a proactive approach to this often overlooked water condition to assess the extent of the problem and tailor the treatment solution accordingly.

  3. Tank Size Consideration: The importance of selecting an Acid Neutralizer with an appropriately sized tank is the most important consideration. While a larger tank may dissolve calcite more slowly, it does not “over correct” moderate pH levels and ensures sufficient neutralization capacity over time. Conversely, opting for a smaller tank is considered a waste of money as it may not have enough neutralization capacity to effectively treat acidic well water over the long term. A smaller acid neutralizer also increases maintenance costs and eventually becomes a hassle to maintain.

  4. Visibility of Tank: Transparent tanks allow homeowners to monitor the level of calcite and assess the system’s performance visually. This transparency helps ensure that the system is functioning properly and allows for timely maintenance or replenishment when needed.

  5. Long-Term Cost Consideration: Investing in a properly sized, heavy-duty Acid Neutralizer not only ensures effective treatment but also helps minimize long-term service and maintenance costs. By getting it right the first time, homeowners can avoid the need for costly replacements or repairs down the line.

6 cubic foot acid neutralizer next to very small RainSoft neutralizer
Our 6 cubic foot Acid Neutralizer is over 6x the size and capacity as this very small 1 cubic foot RainSoft Acid Neutralizer

Acid Water Neutralizers naturally correct corrosive low pH well water

  1. pH Scale Overview: The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. The scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Each point on the scale represents a tenfold difference in acidity or alkalinity. Therefore, a pH of 6 is ten times more acidic than a pH of 7, and a pH of 5 is one hundred times more acidic than a pH of 7.

  2. Treatment Threshold: Treating well water with a pH of around 6.5 depends on the levels of hardness and alkalinity present. Well water with moderate or high hardness and or alkalinity may not need treatment even though the pH may be lower than 6.5. As a good rule of thumb a pH below 6.0 should always be treated with an acid neutralizer. This threshold ensures the protection of plumbing systems and fixtures from the corrosive effects of acidic water.

  3. Protection of Plumbing Systems: Acid Water Neutralizers are described as essential for safeguarding copper pipes and plumbing fixtures, such as brass faucets and valves, from damage caused by acidic well water. This preventive measure helps extend the lifespan of household plumbing infrastructure.

  4. Protection of Appliances: In addition to plumbing systems, Acid Water Neutralizers also protect water heaters and household appliances, such as dishwashers and clothes washers, from corrosion and leaks. By maintaining the pH level around 7.5 to 8.5, Acid Neutralizers prevent damage naturally without the need for harmful chemical additives.

  5. Mechanism of Action: Acid Water Neutralizers utilize a tank filled with calcite, which slowly dissolves to raise the pH level of the water. This mimics the natural process of raising pH in groundwater with limestone formations, ensuring a safe and effective treatment method without introducing chemicals into the drinking water supply.

Stop pinhole leaks and corrosion in copper pipes and dangerous lead in drinking water

The serious consequences of neglecting low pH well water issues should not be ignored. The importance of implementing appropriate treatment methods to protect plumbing infrastructure and safeguard against health risks associated with lead contamination should be something all homeowners should pay attention to.

  1. Copper Piping and Plumbing Fixtures: The interaction between copper plumbing and dissolved carbon dioxide in acidic water leads to a chemical reaction, resulting in the formation of a blue-green stain known as cupric acid on plumbing fixtures. This staining is not only unsightly but also indicative of corrosive damage occurring within the plumbing system.

  2. Lead Leaching: In older houses constructed before 1985, lead solder may have been used in the plumbing system, posing a significant health risk due to lead leaching into the drinking water supply. This underscores the importance of addressing low pH well water issues to mitigate potential health hazards associated with lead contamination.

  3. Damage to Metal Components: Any metal components within the plumbing system are susceptible to corrosion when exposed to acidic water. This includes water heaters, brass kitchen and bathroom faucets, and copper drainage systems. Over time, the corrosive action of acidic water can result in the deterioration of these metal fixtures and appliances, leading to leaks and other costly damage.

  4. Accelerated Corrosion Potential: Surface water with high levels of carbon dioxide and dissolved oxygen can exacerbate the corrosion potential of acidic well water. These additional factors contribute to the accelerated deterioration of metal components within the plumbing system, emphasizing the urgent need for effective treatment measures.

6 cubic foot automatic acid neutralizer with 20" carbon postfilter
6 cubic foot Automatic Acid Neutralizer with 20" EPM-BB (carbon) postfilter
water ph and your plumbing
Acid Water Neutralizers - your safest option

Using an Acid Neutralizer filled with calcite and magnesium oxide offers numerous advantages over alternative methods for treating acidic well water:

  1. Effective Sediment Filtration: Acid Neutralizers serve as effective filters for sediment, helping to improve water clarity and quality by removing particulate matter from the water supply.

  2. Partial Iron Removal: While primarily designed to correct low pH levels, Acid Neutralizers also have the added benefit of removing some iron from the water, contributing to overall water quality improvement.

  3. Enhanced Taste: Treating water with an Acid Neutralizer can lead to improved taste and odor, making it more palatable for consumption and household use.

  4. Moderate Calcium Hardness: The use of calcite and magnesium oxide in Acid Neutralizers results in a moderate increase in calcium hardness, which can typically be easily managed by a water softener.

  5. Safety: Unlike chemical feed pumps that inject lye (sodium hydroxide) to correct acidic water, Acid Neutralizers are safer to use and pose no risk of chemical burns if they malfunction. Chemical feed systems can be hazardous if they inject too much chemical or fail, potentially causing harm to individuals or property.

  6. Ease of Maintenance: Acid Neutralizers are relatively easy to maintain and require only routine refills with calcite and magnesium oxide every one to three years, depending on water consumption and untreated water pH. This simplifies upkeep and reduces the need for frequent maintenance compared to chemical feed systems.

  7. Avoidance of Mess and Chemical Handling: Chemical feed systems can be messy and require the handling and storage of potentially hazardous chemicals. Acid Neutralizers eliminate the need for chemical handling, offering a cleaner and safer solution for treating acidic well water.

Overall, Acid Neutralizers provide a safe, effective, and low-maintenance method for correcting low pH levels in well water, offering multiple benefits for both water quality and user convenience.